Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hello from Ethiopia!

Hello from Ethiopia!

Yes I made it safely to Ethiopia, and I am having a very relaxing time here! But before I get into that let me tell about the last 2 weeks in Cairo. The first week back from Israel was all about photography teaching on lighting, something that is very essential to photography and learning how to do it properly is so valuable so that I can do what God wants me to do. We learned about night photography, painting with light and even had a make shift studio so that we could dabble in studio lighting as well. It was a very informative week on basic techniques to better my photography.

The following week was a complete shift in subject, as it was the introduction to a new course of Worldview. After being in Palestine for three days my perception on, not only my Worldview, but on Worldview as a subject had already begun to shift. It was the perfect week to begin this subject. It is interesting to begin to understand why I think the way I do and the basis for why other cultures think differently. I think that understanding this is truly vital to reaching the World for God.

So what is to come for me? I am in Ethiopia now and will be studying African Worldview. It is so exciting to me to be here and see it first hand. I think that I will be able to grasp the concepts presented in class much more easier. After that we head off to Amsterdam to study Secularism. Though I enjoy Africa I am very excited to be going to Europe! A road trip down to Spain where we will study Islam is next. There we will also visit Morocco. After that we skip over the big pond and end up in Costa Rica. There we will study Latin Worldview. A month will be spent in each of these four locations. Each one holds new adventures and I am so excited to be learning about different cultures.

Along with the Worldview, we will be integrating photography. The first three weeks will be spent in lecture and the last week in each location will be a field trip into the culture to photograph and put into practice what we have be learning.

This is how my next four months look. This week, however, is different. This is a week devoted to reconnecting with God. I have only been here a few days and the quietness of where we are staying is so incredible. I sit out in to sun and just soak in God’s beauty in the silence of His creation (well mostly in the shade not that I have fried my self…I need to get a big floppy hat). I think that this is the chance to really reconnect with God that I, and the rest of my class, really needs.

I will probably only be getting on the Internet one more time this month, probably in a few weeks. It is a long mini-bus ride to the Sheraton Hotel where the only fast Internet is. If you have anything important to tell me it will have to wait a couple of weeks. Then when we get to Amsterdam there is wireless on the base where we are staying so lots of pictures and a full update of what God has done during my time in Ethiopia will be posted. But for now I am going to enjoy being disconnected with the “outside world” and really dive into what God has for me during this month. I love you all and thank you so much for your continual prayers! See you in a month!

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